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    Parents' statutory right of appeal to an independent appeal panel

    Parents of children refused admission by the school have a statutory right of appeal to an independent appeal panel.  Parents can visit this link primary school appeals to complete the online appeal form from the Lancashire County Council website.  The Department for Education has produced guidance to support parents and carers to navigate the appeal process.  This can be found by clicking the following  link: DfE Guidance for Parents and Carers on School Admission Appeals.

    Nursery to Primary transfer appeals under the normal admission round for 2023 admissions

    If parents of children complete the electronic appeal form by 13 May 2023, Lancashire County Council will arrange for the appeal to be heard by an independent appeal panel within 40 school days.

    If the appeal form is returned after 13 May 2023, Lancashire County Council will arrange for the appeal to be heard by an independent appeal panel within 40 school days, where possible, or within 30 school days of the appeal form being lodged. 

    The appeals typically take place between June and July for appeals lodged on time and from July onwards for appeals lodged after the deadline if they cannot be heard with the on time appeals. 

    Infant class size appeals

    When a place in an infant class (reception, year one or year two) has been refused on the grounds that the class would have more than 30 pupils, the process is different. You should note that the Independent Appeal Panels cannot allow such appeals unless they are satisfied that:

    • Your child would have been offered a place if the admission arrangements had been applied properly
    • Your child would have been offered a place if the admission arrangements had complied with the mandatory provisions in the School Admissions Code and the School Standards and Framework Act 1998
    • The decision to refuse your child a place was not one which a reasonable admission authority would have made in the circumstances of the case.

    This means that your personal circumstances are not as strong a focus for appeals where class size issues are relevant. You should be aware that nationally few infant class size appeals are successful. 

    In-year Admission Appeals

    In-year admission is the process for applying for admission into an existing year group.  Parents should initially request an In Year Application Form from the school office. Should there be no place for your child, you reserve the right to appeal to an independent appeal panel.  If you wish to appeal, you may do so by following this link primary school appeals to complete the online appeal form from the Lancashire County Council Website. 

    When parents of children complete the electronic appeal form, arrangements will be made for the appeal to be heard by an independent appeal panel within 30 school days of the appeal from being lodged.